August 9, 2007

Strongly-Worded Letter to Washington Mutual

9 August 2007

Washington Mutual Headquarters
1301 Second Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101

RE: The actions of your hollow shells, more specifically your crimes against humanity.

Dear Computer, Customer Service Representative in a Foreign Country, or Demon:

It is my fervent request that as of this moment you find someone in your office who is both sober enough to read and lucid enough to feel absolutely ashamed of your despicable company, your disgraceful objectives, and the corrupted sexual joy that your laborers feel while enacting the swindle you pass off as a service. Though I doubt that you will find such a person in your building the hours you send looking for one will, perhaps, save your conscience the everlasting task of repressing the assaults upon your fellow citizens that you routinely enact. If your direct supervisor isn't already telling you to lie to me to shut me up you can now move on to the next paragraph.

You stopped reading, but the nefarious fables that you make up so that you can avoid responsibility for the money that you were commissioned to steal from the American people, and one Ms. ahickpoet in particular, under the pretense that your company is both honest and well-intentioned (two terms in which take offense at the mere observation of your rotting souls) will come back to you in the moments of your old age when you realize that your lives have been a waste of breath, heinous in the eyes of Humanity.

Even as I write this, you are performing such perverse acts of capitalism that Adam Smith himself would slap you across your vampiric and revolting faces. I wouldn't dream of stopping him from doing so.

With All Outrage,


Vincent Saint-Simon

1 comment:

Joseph said...

please... please tell me you sent this.